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SUPER GOOD!!!! (^O^)

Thank you!


my fingies hurt



None of them are working :(

:( what device are you on?

I'm on pc :((


very good would recommend 👍👍


what are the controls?

(1 edit) (+1)

to change difficulty press 1 2 3 and 4 to start press enter and for left controls press <-, Z X and C for right controls press ->, B N and M


hi!!!! absolutely obsessed with this atm. I'm running into an issue where at some point the beats turn into an impossible solid line. idk if this is a me issue or part of the game, but just wanted to let u know!!

anyways sooooo fun, completely obsessed, exactly what i needed to spend my time on now that the semester is over <333

This is fixed now along with some new maps, thanks for playing the game :)

Yay absolutely amazing!!! Thank you!!!!!


still works for me :3! cute game :D

Awesome, thank you!



I hope there is a column where you can freely choose songs

I'm thinking Miku~Miku~ oo-ee-oo


i got 167873 WITHOUT MUSIC :O


This game is really cute!!!

thank you! I looked at some of the games you've made and they look adorable!


yay i got 477300 as my highscore

that's pretty good!


lovely miku!








can you add after party by don toliver


upcoming DLC content...

thanks man


Using osu map in your own game like me LOL

aint no way I'm making maps in the time I had LOL